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Brandon Labonte

Balancing Emotions and Metrics in Business

Running a business is a journey filled with highs and lows, victories and setbacks. As the owner of Wicked Good Lawn Care, I've experienced the full spectrum of emotions that come with managing a company. Over time, I've realized that maintaining an objective perspective, especially when dealing with business metrics, is crucial for sustainable success. Here, I share my journey of learning to balance emotions with data, and how you too can navigate this delicate balance.

Owning a business means you’re deeply invested in its success. Every milestone reached, every client won, and every contract signed feels like a personal victory. Conversely, setbacks, missed targets, and negative feedback can feel like personal failures. This emotional connection can drive you to work harder, but it can also cloud your judgment and affect your decision-making.

Recently, I took part in an exercise to help understand where I was unnecessarily linking emotion to business metrics. I rated my emotional response to various hypothetical business scenarios on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 meant I saw it purely as data and 10 meant I took it very personally. Here are the questions I rated, I encourage you to take part in it as well:

  1. Missed revenue target: 

  2. Client contract ended: 

  3. Project completed ahead of schedule: 

  4. Employee resignation:

  5. Unexpected bonus:

  6. Service or Product failure in sales: 

  7. Positive client feedback: 

  8. Competitor gains more market share: 

  9. Company recognized as a great workplace: 

These scores revealed a lot about my emotional connection to different aspects of the business. It was clear that both positive and negative outcomes had a significant impact on me, particularly those directly related to our success and reputation.

From this exercise, I noticed a few patterns:

  1. High Emotional Connection:

  • Scenarios such as missed revenue targets, ended client contracts, and company recognition as a great workplace deeply affected me. These are all metrics that directly reflect the success or failure of my efforts and my company’s reputation.

  1. Moderate Emotional Connection:

  • Employee resignations, unexpected bonuses, and product failures had a significant but not overwhelming impact. These are situations where I could see beyond the immediate emotional response and understand the broader context.

  1. Lower Emotional Connection:

  • Competitor market gains had a lower emotional impact, likely because these factors are external and somewhat beyond my control. Separate Personal Achievement from Business Metrics:

  • One of the most important steps I took was to separate my personal sense of achievement from the business metrics. Business outcomes are influenced by a variety of factors, many of which are beyond my control. By focusing on the efforts and strategies we implemented rather than just the outcomes, I could maintain a more balanced perspective.

  1. Adopt a Data-Driven Mindset:

  • Treating business results as data points rather than personal reflections helped me stay objective. Each metric, whether positive or negative, provided valuable insights into what was working and what needed adjustment.

  1. Celebrate Effort, Not Just Outcomes:

  • It’s easy to celebrate when things go well, but it's equally important to acknowledge the effort and dedication that go into every project, regardless of the outcome. This shift in focus helped reduce the emotional impact of setbacks.

  1. Seek Support and Feedback:

  • Regular feedback from mentors and peers provided an external perspective that was invaluable. Their insights helped me see situations more objectively and made it easier to make data-driven decisions.

  1. Mindfulness and Stress Management:

  • Incorporating mindfulness techniques into my daily routine helped me stay grounded. Stress management strategies, like regular exercise and taking time off, also played a crucial role in maintaining my objectivity during challenging times.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations:

  • Understanding that not all projects will succeed and not all clients will stay was crucial. Setting realistic expectations helped mitigate disappointment and kept my emotions in check.

At Wicked Good Lawn Care, these strategies have transformed that I operate. By maintaining a data-driven mindset and celebrating effort over outcomes, I am creating a culture that values continuous improvement and resilience.

For example, when we missed a revenue target last quarter, instead of seeing it as a personal failure, we analyzed the data to understand why. This approach allowed us to identify gaps in our strategy and implement changes that led to better results in the following quarter. And its working!

Similarly, when a long-term client ended their contract, we didn’t let it demoralize us. We used the feedback to improve our services and enhance our client retention strategies. This shift in perspective has been instrumental in maintaining our morale and driving our growth.

Balancing emotions and metrics in business is an ongoing journey. As the owner of Wicked Good Lawn Care, I’ve learned that while it’s natural to feel emotionally invested in your business, it’s essential to maintain an objective perspective to make sound decisions.

By separating personal achievement from business metrics, adopting a data-driven mindset, celebrating effort, seeking feedback, practicing mindfulness, and setting realistic expectations, we can navigate the emotional rollercoaster of business ownership more effectively.

To my fellow business owners and entrepreneurs, I encourage you to take a step back and reflect on your emotional connection to your business metrics. Use these strategies to maintain a balanced perspective, and you’ll find it easier to navigate the highs and lows of the business world. At Wicked Good Lawn Care, we’re committed to continuous improvement and resilience, and I believe these principles can help you achieve the same.

Stay objective, stay resilient, and keep growing. Excellence starts at the root.

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